

While giving rewards in your classroom has a lot of advantages, there are disadvantages as well. Sometimes, the good outweighs the bad. According to BookWidgets, these are some of the disadvantages of giving students rewards in classrooms:

  • Addiction

Students become addicted to the classroom rewards. Without them, the students won’t follow directions or show the correct behaviors.

  • Devaluation

After a while, rewards are expected by the students. The rewards will start to lose their effect once they are given so much.

  • Race against the clock

Students start to focus on hurrying to finish their task to gain a reward. The students won’t even value the task anymore but the thing that comes after it.

  • Control and manipulate

Students may feel they are starting to be controlled by the teacher. In return, they will try to control or manipulate you.

  • Increase Pressured

If you praise the students too much, they will feel horrible whenever they can’t live up to your expectations.

  • Bribes

Rewards and bribes relate very closely to each other. Rewards often lead to the idea of you controlling your students. You’ll feel more powerful and bribe students with rewards